23 and 24 May 2019 in Ouagadougou its ordinary session for the year 2019
Nakanbé Water Agency: The Basin Committee held its 2019 Ordinary Session
The Basin Committee of the Nakanbé Water Agency held its ordinary session for the year 2019 in Ouagadougou from 23 to 24 May 2019. The opening ceremony was chaired by Marcel GUIRE, President of the Basin Committee (CB) of the Nakanbé Water Agency (AEN).
The first exercise since their official installation in October 2018, the members of the AEN Basin Committee have, through this 2019 regular session, examined and adopted various documents submitted for their assessment by the NEA Board of Directors and its General direction. Documents presented to the CB, we can note, the minutes of the special session of the master plan of development and water management (SDAGE) of the AEN, the report physical balance 2018 NEA , the AEN 2018 Administrative and Management Accounts, the AEN Program of Activities and 2019 Management Budget. Exchanges were conducted following the various presentations and resulted in substantive amendments and form. Moreover, these exchanges allowed the CB to adopt all the documents submitted to its appreciation.
As a reminder, these documents had previously been considered admissible by the AEN Board of Directors at its first ordinary session of the year 2019, held on 17 and 18 April 2019 in Ouagadougou. The Basin Committee, the highest authority of the Agency, was the last link to which these documents prepared by the Nakanbe Water Agency were to be examined and adopted.