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Integrated Water Resources Management

Integrated Water Resources Management: The AEN includes the process of developing an AFDH guide

by 26 Jun 2019Our news

The Nakanbé Water Agency (AEN), the International Center for Water and Sanitation (IRC) and Faso Koom (Dutch Water Agencies) held on 25 and 26 June 2019 in Manga, a meeting of exchanges marking the start of the process of elaboration of a guide AFDH_GIRE. This meeting is part of the implementation of the Faso Koom II project, funded by the European Union. During the meeting on the substances indicated, the participants facilitated the elaboration of a Guide on the consideration of the Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) in the setting up and animation of the Committees. local water (CLE).

For a better organization and functioning of the CLE so that they play their role of protection and preservation of the water resources, it has proved wise to set up a process of restructuring and revitalization of the local water committees. . Thus, in the context of the implementation of the Faso Koom II project entitled “Support to the institutional, organizational and technical capacity building of the local water committees of the Nakanbé Water Agency’s competence area. It is planned to develop a Guide for the integration of the human rights-based approach in the setting up and animation of CLEs. “With Burkina Faso’s commitment to promoting the AFDH in water governance since 2015, through the inclusion of gender and human rights as imperative in national water policy, this Guide will, among other things, better take into account the rights of vulnerable populations in water management, “says Ghislain W. KABORE, Director General of the Nakanbé Water Agency.

According to Arnauld ADJAGODO of the IRC, the elaboration of a Guide on the taking into account of the AFDH in the setting up and the functioning of the CLE is indicated to put in place to be able to satisfy enough objectives to integrate AFDH in IWRM piloting instruments at the local level. “This Guide, which will be based on the principles of the AFDH, including the principles of non-discrimination, transparency, redivability, participation and inclusion, and sustainability, will enable rights holders, in particular CLE members to better understand their own roles and rights and to defend them and also to reduce the vulnerability to access to water for the different uses in the Nakanbé basin “, he said.

The development of this Guide, which is one of the components of the Faso Koom II project, is carried out by the AEN and its partners, the IRC, the Netherlands Water Agencies and the Utrecht University of the Countries. -Low. It is in this perspective that they held a working meeting on 25 and 26 June 2019 in Manga, the capital of the South-Central region. This meeting allowed the participants to appropriate the context of implementation of the Faso Koom II project and the conduct of AEN interventions related to CLE; to outline the methodology of the Guide and to define a schedule for the process of drafting the Guide on the consideration of the AFDH in the establishment and animation of CLE. To do this, different presentations were made. These were presentations on the NEA Operational Framework; the achievements, challenges and challenges concerning the setting up and animation of CLE; an overview of the CLE’s revitalization project and notions of basic principles on the AFDH. Following the presentations, which were followed by questions and answers, plenary sessions were conducted to reach the objectives of the meeting. As a reminder, for a four-year period (2019-2022), the Faso Koom II project, one of whose components is the elaboration of an AFDH_GIRE Guide, is mainly funded by the European Union for 1,000,000 € or about 655,555,000 FCFA.


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