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Fight against the silting up of water reservoirs

Fight against the silting up of water reservoirs: the cleaning works of the Kuila dam engaged

by 24 Apr 2019Our news

The Nakanbé Water Agency (NEA), in collaboration with the deconcentrated technical services of the Central Plateau region and the Ziniaré Town Hall, initiated labor-intensive desalination work at the Kuila dam. The work that began on Tuesday, April 23, 2019, is being carried out by the local population of Kuila village thanks to the financial and technical support of the Nakanbé Water Agency. This desensitization activity of the Kuila dam, which constitutes for the NEA a pilot phase of desensitization of small reservoirs, adapted to the economic and social realities of local actors in its area of ​​competence, is part of the overall framework of the fight against the silting up of water reservoirs.

The choice of the Kuila dam to serve as a test phase for the desalination of the small water reservoirs in the NEA’s jurisdiction is explained by the seriousness of the sand encroachment that the Kuila dam is experiencing today and the will the local population to invest in carrying out the cleaning of the said dam.

Built in 1986 with an initial capacity of more than 100,000 m3 of storage volume, the Kuila dam is a peri-urban water reservoir in the municipality of Ziniaré, which is in great demand and has already lost more than 50% of its water. storage capacity due to sediment deposition. This significant loss of storage capacity is a real threat to the satisfaction of users’ needs, especially since the main purpose of this dam is to cover water needs for the agro-sylvo pastoral and fish farming activities of the local population.

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